I discovered a passion for reading at a young age and often could be found engrossed in reading spy novels or studying decisive battles of World Wars I & II, and the events that often lead to conflict. Eventually, I discovered an interest in leadership, public policy and learning about the complex issues  impacting society. I'm always fascinated by events and changing conditions that influence and shape our world.

I began writing for my school newspaper as a freshman.  My first interview was an impromptu meeting with famed astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, who graciously indulged my questions and helped spark my interest in writing articles. I guess that's when I officially became a Journalist! Writing provides a unique platform to meet and interview some really cool people. And what an amazing way to hear the views from Leaders, Influencers & People of Interest - which became my first official beat. 

I was once told that we're all born with a varying amounts of "The Three T's" - Time, Talent & Treasure. It's up to us to discover how we can best use our gifts to serve and improve our world. I've found true meaning helping bring attention to worthy causes like teen issues, poverty, immigration, and giving a voice to those who have none.